Julio Le Parc
Collage #9,
10 1/5 × 8 3/10 in
Celebrated for what he calls “disturbances in the artistic system,” Julio Le Parc is among the progenitors of the Op Art, or Kinetic Art, movement, who posits a utopian vision for art and society through his perceptually illusory paintings, sculptures, and immersive installations. As co-founder of the Groupe de Recherche d’Art Visuel (Visual Art Research Group) (1960-68), he worked to break down the boundaries between art and the viewer. In his words: “I have tried […] to elicit a different type of behavior from the viewer […] to seek, together with the public, various means of fighting off passivity, dependency or ideological conditioning, by developing reflective, comparative, analytical, creative or active capacities.” Parc accomplishes this through color, line, light, shadow, and movement, composed to make still forms seem to move, solid structures seem to dematerialize, and light itself seem plastic.
Argentinian, b. 1928, Mendoza, Argentina, based in Paris, France
courtesy of artsy.net