Online and Offline Art classes

IDEA is a 4 step creative process developed by Artville Academy.
Our Curriculum is developed around this process
The power of imagination is the basis of all creativity. Our courses focus on the development of thought, ideation, visualization, and composition along with the required skills to handle multiple media
A creative person should also consider the exploration and experimentation of multiple mediums. Art is not just drawing and painting. Art can be expressed through any medium. Ideas conceived will take shape at this moment and this is the most exciting part of creativity
Creativity is all about going through multiple phases to get that fine work. As an artist or designer, one also should know when to stop. An artwork evolves through various stages and reach that final Ahaaa moment!
The ability and confidence to apply all the skills and practices to come out with a final piece of work. Give it the best and be open to criticism. Creativity is often refined by meaningful criticism. As an artist/designer one must be open to criticism and should know what to take and whatnot.